Head of the laboratory, Higher doctorate of Medical Sciences, Professor
Nikolaev Konstantin Yurievich
The laboratory has tested a new qualitative immunochromatographic method for determining cardiac protein binding fatty acids for early verification of acute myocardial infarction and determining the tactics of treatment of patients with this disease. For many years, laboratory staff have participated in major international clinical trials (ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48, EXAM, ODYSSEY OUTCOMES, etc.) to determine the efficacy and safety of new drugs in patients who have suffered myocardial infarction and stroke, as well as with atrial fibrillation to prevent complications and improve prognosis.
- Implementation of the scientific results of the research of the laboratory of emergency therapy in the practice of healthcare;
A new high-quality immunochromatographic method for the determination of cardiac protein binding fatty acids for the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (CardioBSJK) has been introduced into practical healthcare. For this, the laboratory staff (Prof. Nikolaev K.Yu. and higher doctorate degree in medicine Yarokhno N.N.) in 2016 received the State Prize of the Novosibirsk region.